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[CentOS 8] 초기 세팅 | Services 확인


by mp.jamong 2020. 7. 3. 09:11


CentOS 8 설치 후 기본적으로 설치되는 서비스를 확인하는 방법과 불필요한 서비스를 중지하는 방법에 대해 알아보자.


1. 초기 세팅 | 서비스 확인

# 현재 활성화(Active)된 서비스 리스트 확인
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl -t service
UNIT                               LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
accounts-daemon.service            loaded active running Accounts Service
alsa-state.service                 loaded active running Manage Sound Card State (>
atd.service                        loaded active running Job spooling tools
auditd.service                     loaded active running Security Auditing Service
avahi-daemon.service               loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
bolt.service                       loaded active running Thunderbolt system service
colord.service                     loaded active running Manage, Install and Gener>
crond.service                      loaded active running Command Scheduler
cups.service                       loaded active running CUPS Scheduler
dbus.service                       loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
dracut-shutdown.service            loaded active exited  Restore /run/initramfs on>
fwupd.service                      loaded active running Firmware update daemon
gdm.service                        loaded active running GNOME Display Manager
gssproxy.service                   loaded active running GSSAPI Proxy Daemon
user@42.service                    loaded active running User Manager for UID 42
vdo.service                        loaded active exited  VDO volume services
wpa_supplicant.service             loaded active running WPA supplicant

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

64 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

# 서버에 등록된 모든 서비스 리스트 확인
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl list-unit-files -t service
UNIT FILE                                  STATE
accounts-daemon.service                    enabled
alsa-restore.service                       static
alsa-state.service                         static
anaconda-direct.service                    static
anaconda-nm-config.service                 static
anaconda-noshell.service                   static
anaconda-pre.service                       static
anaconda-shell@.service                    static
anaconda-sshd.service                      static
anaconda-tmux@.service                     static
anaconda.service                           static
arp-ethers.service                         disabled
atd.service                                enabled
auditd.service                             enabled
auth-rpcgss-module.service                 static
autovt@.service                            enabled
avahi-daemon.service                       enabled
blivet.service                             static
blk-availability.service                   disabled
bluetooth.service                          enabled
user@.service                              static
vdo.service                                enabled
vgauthd.service                            enabled
virtlockd.service                          indirect
virtlogd.service                           indirect
vmtoolsd-init.service                      disabled
vmtoolsd.service                           enabled
wacom-inputattach@.service                 static
wpa_supplicant.service                     disabled
zram.service                               static

271 unit files listed.



2. 초기 세팅 | 서비스 실행/중지, 자동실행 등록/해제

# 특정 서비스 실행 (test 라는 서비스로 예시를 보이니, 실제 상황에서는 test 대신 실행하고자 하는 서비스를 입력한다)
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl start test

# 특정 서비스 중지
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl start test

# 특정 서비스 자동 실행 (서버 시작시 서비스 자동 실행)
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl enable test

# 특정 서비스 해제 (서버 시작시 서비스 자동 실행 해제)
[root@magicpipe ~]# systemctl disable test



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